My Winter Break

My Winter Break
My winter break was pretty boring but at the same time a bit fun. I say that because i went to a lot of places, i spent time with my family, and hung out with my friends. To start off my winter vacation i spent a whole day at Disneyland with my mom. We got on many rides, but we had to leave early cause i was sick. That was the only thing out of my break i was sick for like a week. then after that me and my mom went Christmas shopping to the mall and also shopping for me. Then Christmas day came all my family came over to my house and spent Christmas there. After Christmas my cousin from mexico came to visit for the holidays, it was nice seeing her cause i have not seen her in like 5 years. After that i also reunited with an old friend from elementary, i really missed her, her and me are really close but never really see each other cause she lives far. Then i spent the rest of my days watching movies on netflix, or staying up with my friends on facetime. 


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