Student Success Statement / Reflection 
"It's a great moment when someone has the character to step up and do the right thing at the right time." 

        The statement for our class today reflects on a video we were shown about a softball game. Sarah Tucholsky was a softball player from Western Oregon and has never hit a home run till this game thanks to the two players from the other team; Mallory Holtman and Liz Wallace. When Sarah batted she hit her first home run but as she was running to first and second place she hurt her leg which caused her to fall down and not being able to run anymore. The rules say that nobody from Sarah's group may help her or else it won't count. So the girls Mallory and Liz decide to carry Sarah all the way to home base and Western Oregon won. This was exactly what the SSS was today. They chose to do the right thing and help out. 


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